Whether you are a veteran student pastor or a freshman leading your first youth group, consider joining the SME Cohort. The Cohort is a “family group” of youth ministers who share the same passion for being life-long learners by gathering for lunch, fellowship, and sharing on a monthly basis. Led by Dr. Boyd, this small-group is a hybrid cell with one part being a self-directed idea exchange station and the other part a learning lab.
Member’s enjoy a collaborative, confidential camaraderie where dialogue and growth build close ministry relationships through the exchange of ideas, encouragement and problem solving specific ministry challenges. While a central topic is introduced each month, the conversational driving force is what each participant wants/needs to talk about. This is a group of student ministry share-croppers made up of veteran and newbies alike.
Join a group in (Lakeland or Tallahassee FL) or we will create one in your area with you as the catalyst/founding member.
Cohort member comments:
“We meet on my off-day but I wouldn’t miss it for anything. I wish we met weekly instead of monthly. That would be awesome!” (Veteran Student Pastor, Lakeland, FL)
“I look as forward to our monthly cohort meeting as I do to my weekly youth group.” (1st yr. youth leader/college student, Lakeland, FL)
Annual Membership fee is $100. Cohort does not meet during the summer.
Join now!