Excel Initiative
EXCEL INITIATIVE (limited interim) plus an on-site evaluation, coaching, training, and infrastructure building initiative with weekly ministry assistance between youth ministers Overview for Pastor.doc
Every church situation is unique. The below options are samples and can be customized according to individual church need.
- Commence a Limited Interim (EXCEL initiative) at an agreed upon start date. Dr. Boyd would be on your church campus one Sunday and Wednesday per month while providing distance support on a weekly basis. On site visits are more frequent in the early stage of the Excel initiative.
- Initial evaluation of weekly ministries - ie: Sunday AM, Wed. PM / volunteers staff and infra-structure.
- Provide total program planning, content and resources for producing a comprehensive Wednesday night ministry/worship experience (main youth gathering night) using affiliate speakers, lay leadership, qualified college age students and existing volunteers on the leadership team.
- Provide training and guidance for small group bible study leaders as needed.
- Provide parent of youth training as needed.
- Meet with staff and search team for updates and guidance regarding progress, direction of ministry, and level of SME involvement.
- Make recommendations for maximum ministry impact.
- Meet with leadership, parents and volunteer workers for planning the student calendar.
- Total consulting resources, tools, training and coaching included
* Initial consulting agreement is for three months and is renewable in 1-3 months increments as needed.
* Supervisor/liaison is the pastor or his designee - ie: Youth team chair, associate pastor, etc. * Compensation = $550 per week paid every other week or according to standard church payroll schedule plus travel @ .45 cpm.OPTION TWO
All of option ONE plus:- Work with pastor or his designated staff member and elected search team to secure a qualified matched Youth Minister based upon a well planned search profile, church assessment including parent and leadership input.
- Assist the search team by advising team members and screening applicants, make recommendations and assisting with transition.
- From dozens of screened resumes, provide the search team three best-matched candidates for search team consideration with one candidate rising as “the” right person to pursue.
(neither one or two)
- Work with pastor or his designated staff member and elected search team to secure a qualified matched Youth Minister based upon a well planned search profile, church assessment including parent and leadership input.
- Assist the search team by advising team members and screening applicants, make recommendations and assisting with transition.
- From dozens of screened resumes, provide the search team three best-matched candidates for search team consideration with one candidate rising as “the” right person to pursue.
*Compensation: $350 per week or 25% of the annual budgeted Salary+Housing for the Youth Pastor position (whichever is less- plus any travel expenses related to face to face candidate interviews or research. If the % payment option is less, the church makes monthly payments to SME (Budget amount divided by 12 mos.) and the balance paid in lump sum at conclusion of a successful candidate call.