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  • Submit a resume to be used in our EXCEL or CONNECT ministry when a church we serve is ready to hire a new Student Minister.
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Dr. Charles (Poker) Boyd is both an academician and practitioner in Student Ministry. As an adjunct professor for The Baptist College of Florida, he has excelled in both facets of the work. I recommend him to you for biblical, Godly, and practical leadership of students and student leaders.

Robin Jumper Ph.D. The Baptist College of Florida

Blog Archive

Raising and Releasing Your Children as Disciples
By Charles Boyd | November 2, 2023 | 0 Comments

While my title sounds like a promotion for student ministry in the local church, it isn’t. Do we need student ministry excellence in our local churches? Absolutely, and I have given my entire career to that endeavor. In reality, student ministry and parenting are the sole and the laces of the same shoe. I am […]

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