Communication With Staff
.The number one complaint from pastors regarding their student minister is lack of communication. You think it would be skating off the hand rails in front of the sanctuary or backing the church van into the parking stop at BeefObradys wing house. But no, the top complaint from pastors or supervisors is the lack of information. Few things frustrate a senior pastor or administrator more than being unaware of what is going on, especially when it is exceptionally great or potentially problematic.
Make it a priority to update the staff, shoot an email or drop a flier their way prior to a ministry event. It takes a bit more planning and time but communicating well will pay future dividends to you and the ministry. When your butt is in a sling, about to get chewed on or a black eye is headed your way, communication can be your biggest ally. And just in case you doubt it; one day you are going to get a black eye and your butt is going to get in somebody’s sling – so just communicate; better yet, over-communicate, super-saturate the staff, parents, and youth. I have never heard of a parent or staff member in ANY student ministry anywhere say: “You know, our student pastor is excessive in keeping us in the loop. I wish he would lighten up on the communication a bit.”
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.” Ephesians 4:25